#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w
# This is a trivial LDAP server which just stores directory entries in RAM.
# It does no validation or authentication. This is intended just to
# demonstrate the API, it's not for real-world use!!
require 'rubygems'
require 'ldap/server'
# We subclass the Operation class, overriding the methods to do what we need
class HashOperation < LDAP::Server::Operation
def initialize(connection, messageID, hash)
super(connection, messageID)
@hash = hash # an object reference to our directory data
def search(basedn, scope, deref, filter)
case scope
when LDAP::Server::BaseObject
# client asked for single object by DN
obj = @hash.transform_keys(&:downcase)[basedn]
raise LDAP::ResultError::NoSuchObject unless obj
send_SearchResultEntry(basedn, obj) if LDAP::Server::Filter.run(filter, obj)
when LDAP::Server::WholeSubtree
@hash.each do |dn, av|
next unless dn.index(basedn, -basedn.length) # under basedn?
next unless LDAP::Server::Filter.run(filter, av) # attribute filter?
send_SearchResultEntry(dn, av)
raise LDAP::ResultError::UnwillingToPerform, "OneLevel not implemented"