
62 lines
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2020-04-09 00:14:29 +05:30
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
{{- $title := ( .Title ) -}}
{{- $siteTitle := ( .Site.Title ) -}}
{{- if .IsHome -}}
2020-06-24 13:27:58 +05:30
<title>{{ $siteTitle }} | Home </title>
2020-04-09 00:14:29 +05:30
{{- else -}}
<title>{{ $title }} - {{ $siteTitle }}</title>
{{- end -}}
{{- if isset .Site.Params "favicon" -}}
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href={{ .Site.Params.favicon }} />
{{- end -}}
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta name="description" content="{{ with .Description }}{{ . }}{{ else }}{{if .IsPage}}{{ .Summary }}{{ else }}{{ with .Site.Params.description }}{{ . }}{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }}" />
2020-06-24 13:27:58 +05:30
<meta property="og:image" content="{{ .Site.Params.og_image }}"/>
2020-04-09 00:14:29 +05:30
{{ with .OutputFormats.Get "rss" -}}
{{ printf `<link rel="%s" type="%s" href="%s" title="%s" />` .Rel .MediaType.Type .Permalink $.Site.Title | safeHTML }}
{{ end -}}
2020-04-09 00:14:29 +05:30
{{- template "_internal/opengraph.html" . -}}
{{- template "_internal/twitter_cards.html" . -}}
{{ if and (isset .Site.Params "social") (.Site.Params.useCDN | default false) -}}
2020-04-11 01:11:05 +05:30
<script src=""></script>
{{- else if or (isset .Site.Params "social") (eq .Site.Params.mode "toggle") -}}
2020-04-11 01:11:05 +05:30
<script src="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}js/feather.min.js"></script>
{{ end }}
{{ if .Site.Params.useCDN | default false -}}
<link href=",wght@1,500&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
{{- else -}}
{{ $fontstyle := resources.Get "css/fonts.css" | fingerprint }}
<link href="{{ $fontstyle.Permalink }}" rel="stylesheet">
{{ end }}
{{ $style := resources.Get "css/main.css" | fingerprint }}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="{{ $style.Permalink }}" />
2021-09-24 19:38:28 +02:00
{{- if or (eq .Site.Params.mode "auto") (eq .Site.Params.mode "dark") (eq .Site.Params.mode "toggle") -}}
{{ $darkstyle := resources.Get "css/dark.css" | fingerprint }}
2021-09-24 19:38:28 +02:00
<link id="darkModeStyle" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ $darkstyle.Permalink }}" {{ if eq .Site.Params.mode "auto" }}media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"{{ end }} {{ if eq .Site.Params.mode "toggle" }}disabled{{ end }} />
{{ end }}
<!-- Custom CSS style get applied last -->
{{- if isset .Site.Params "customcss" }}
{{ range .Site.Params.customCSS }}
{{ $customstyle := resources.Get . | fingerprint }}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ $customstyle.Permalink }}">
{{ end }}
2020-04-16 12:50:38 +05:30
{{- end -}}
2020-04-09 00:14:29 +05:30
{{- range .Site.Params.customJS }}
{{- if or (hasPrefix . "http://") (hasPrefix . "https://") }}
<script src="{{ . }}"></script>
{{- else }}
<script src="{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}{{ . }}"></script>
{{- end }}
{{- end }}