root 9c4706e826 Committer: fruworg <>
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Changes to be committed:
	new file:   .gitmodules
	new file:   archetypes/
	new file:   config.toml
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   static/0x952C15AB751A65F6
	new file:   static/favicon.ico
	new file:   static/fruworg.png
	new file:   themes/archie

 Changes not staged for commit:
	modified:   themes/archie (modified content)
2023-07-26 20:55:24 +05:00

33 lines
583 B

title: "Настройка сети в Linux"
date: 2022-11-25T15:34:46+05:00
description: Путём правки конфигурационных файлов
tags: [linux]
## Настройка DNS и домена
search <domain>
nameserver <dns-server>
# /etc/resolv.conf
## Статика
auto <interface>
iface <interface> inet static
address <ip-address>
netmask <netmask>
gateway <gateway>
# /etc/network/interfaces.d/<interface>
auto <interface>
iface <interface> inet dhcp
# /etc/network/interfaces.d/<interface>