root 9c4706e826 Committer: fruworg <>
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

Changes to be committed:
	new file:   .gitmodules
	new file:   archetypes/
	new file:   config.toml
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   content/posts/
	new file:   static/0x952C15AB751A65F6
	new file:   static/favicon.ico
	new file:   static/fruworg.png
	new file:   themes/archie

 Changes not staged for commit:
	modified:   themes/archie (modified content)
2023-07-26 20:55:24 +05:00

2.0 KiB
Raw Blame History

title description date tags
Установка Bareos на Astra Linux SE Инструкция по установке из репозитория Bareos 2023-01-27T16:08:00+05:00

Конфигурация Сервера

Установка Bareos и PostgreSQL

curl -s | bash
apt update
apt install postgresql bareos bareos-webui

Конфигурация БД

dpkg-reconfigure bareos-database-common

Включение сервисов Bareos, PostgreSQL и Apache

systemctl enable --now postgresql bareos-director bareos-filedaemon bareos-storage apache2

Создание пользователя для Bareos-webui и конфига клиента

Веб Bareos'а находится по адресу: http://<bareos-ip>/bareos-webui/

configure add console name=<web-user> password=<web-pass> profile=webui-admin tlsenable=no
configure add client name=<client-name> address=<client-ip> password=<client-pass>

Бэкап определённой папки

FileSet {
  Name = "<name>"
  Description = "<description>"
  Include {
    Options {
      Signature = MD5 # calculate md5 checksum per file
    File = "<directory>"

# /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.d/fileset/<name>.conf

Конфигурация клиента

Установка Bareos Filedaemon

curl -s | bash
apt update
apt install bareos-filedaemon

Перенос конфига с сервера на клиент

scp <user>@<server-ip>:/etc/bareos/bareos-dir-export/client\

Включение сервиса

systemctl enable --now bareos-filedaemon